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176Your guide to the Environment Agency - Thames Region - North East Area
177What's happening in the Midlands region : looking at our environment
178Environmental protection and pollution control : in the North West
179Our Midlands environment : the Environment Agency in action
180The interpretation of rod and net catch data
181The flood of February 1990 : technical services flood monitoring report
182Second annual review of the Upper Bristol Avon catchment management plan
183The Louth coastal catchment management plan : final report
184Working together for the coast : catchment, shoreline and estuary management plans
185The ecology and management of riverine trees : interim report
186Problems with sea trout and salmon in the Western Highlands
187Environmental snapshot for the East of England [2000]
188The Cam catchment, Anglian region : proposals for statutory water quality objectives
189The Tawe and South Gower catchment management plan : action plan 1995 (bilingual)
190Second annual review of the Lower Bristol Avon catchment management plan
191The River Cam catchment management plan : annual monitoring report
192Second annual review of the River Torridge catchment management plan
193Protecting the environment through effective Environment Agency regulation and advice
194Biodiversity strategy and action plan for the Environment Agency (Thames Region)
195The River Ogmore catchment management plan : action plan
196Waste : strategic waste management survey : landfill within the East Midlands planning region
197The Wandle, Beverley Brook, Hogsmill catchment management plan : action plan Draft
198The River Tywi catchment management plan : action plan (bilingual)
199Second annual review of the River Taw catchment management plan
200Flood alleviation proposals for Bakewell and Ashford in the Water