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126Best Available Techniques For The Control Of Pollution In Inorganic Chemical Processes - Appendix
127Thames Environment 21. The Environment Agency strategy for land-use planning in Thames Region
128Interim guidelines on the ranges of enteric organism decay rates (T90s) under different marine conditions
129Trevone Bay beach EC bathing water guideline non-compliance : investigation into the Trevone Stream : final report
130Water pollution incidents in England and Wales 1994 : report of the National Rivers Authority
131Hope Cove : non-compliance in 1998 with the European Community bathing water directive (76/160/EEC)
132Manual for the use of herbicides in or near water : January 1993 : final draft report
133Investigation of tecnazene contamination in the Chyandour Brook west Cornwall during spring 1990
134National marine baseline survey 1995 : littoral cell 4 : the Thames to Selsey Bill
135The disposal of sheep dip waste (R and D Report 11) : effects on water quality
136Water pollution incidents in England and Wales - 1993 : report of the National Rivers Authority
137Discharge monitoring in the Kennet catchment. Part 1 : ecological effects of sewage and trade effluents
138A study to investigate and propose remedies for river quality problems in the Madford catchment
139Impact assessment of Meldon quarry on water quality in the West Okement river
140Water pollution incidents in England and Wales - 1990 : report of the National Rivers Authority
141Water pollution incidents in England and Wales 1991 : report of the National Rivers Authority
142The effect of ferric dosing of lakes on benthic invertebrates : first year report
143Guidance on the assessment and interrogation of subsurface analytical contaminant fate and transport models (NC/99/38/1)
144Technical and economic review of cement and lime process : a report to the Environment Agency
145Environment Agency Kent area : the Seabrook stream : BSc (Hons) Environmental biology placement report
146Assessment of radioactive discharge screening levels for biota protected under the habitats regulations : April 2002
147Digital groundwater vulnerability maps : 1 : 100,000 series. Policy and practice for the protection of groundwater
148Land use practices and pathways of pesticide residues in the Mount's Bay catchment, Cornwall
149Aldrin and dieldrin concentrations in the Newlyn catchment during 1991 an interim report
150Monitoring of the River Burn upstream and downstream of Burnham Market sewage treatment works 1999