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51Fish and the Ecological Assessment of Lakes and Rivers for the Water Framework Directive
52Technical Summary - Appraisal of the Impact of Multiple Retailers Quality Assurance Schemes on the Environment
53Ecological effects of discharges from watercress farms on the chalk-streams of the NRA Wessex Region
54Investigate the feasibility of applying quality methods and standards within the water resources function.
55Evaluation of the effectiveness of the Water Fringe Option Scheme on Environmental Quality
56The environmental impact of the foot and mouth disease outbreak: and interim assessment
57Riverside litter : results of the 1990 campaign and a strategy for the future
58National marine baseline survey 1995 : littoral cell 3 : the Wash to the Thames
59Investigation of the water quality in the Buckland stream up and downstream of East/West Buckland
60The Effect of Atrazine Exposure on the Timing of Salmon (Salmo salar L.) Smolt Emigration
61Biological assessment of the effects of Ivybridge Sewage Treatment Works on the River Erme
62A Status Report on the Direct Oxygenation of the Tywi Estuary - October 1989
63An investigation into the effects of Alton sewage works on the River Wey North
64Report on the national marine analytical quality control scheme 1993/94 : presented to the 18th October 1994 meeting of the Marine Pollution Monitoring Management Group
65Implementation of the EC freshwater fish directive : water quality requirements for the support of fish life : report of the National Rivers Authority
66Biological Assessment Methods: Controlling the Quality of Biological Data. Package 1 The variability of data used for assessing the biological condition of rivers
67The effects of ammonia in discharges from Hogsmill Valley sewage treatment works on the water quality of the River Thames at Teddington
68Assessment of Ivybridge mobile monitoring station and investigation of the water quality of the River Erme and the effect of Ivybridge Sewage Treatment works final effluent
69Investigations into the status of fisheries, biological and water quality in the River Pelenna catchment, prior to the treatment of discharges from abandoned coal mines : PL/EAW/95/3
70Meiofaunal assemblages of the Thames Estuary, April 1989-March 1990 : modules I-III : a study of the meiofaunal communities present in sediment samples collected by the National Rivers Authority, Thames Region
71(3) The Natural (Baseline) Quality Of Groundwaters In England And Wales: The Permo-Triassic Sandstones Of Cumbria, North-West England;
72Guidance notes for local planning authorities on the methods of protecting the water environment through development plans
73The development of biomanipulation techniques and control of phosphorus release from sediments (475/1/A) : LIFE project : restoration of the Norfolk Broads
74Continuous water quality monitoring results collected from the river Torridge at Cockshilhay and Beam Bridge for the EU UWWTD
75Water quality objectives: procedures used by the NRA for the purpose of surface waters river ecosystem) (classification) regulations 1994