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1Guardian of the water environment
2Colliery closures in the Midlands : a review of the potential impact of colliery closures on the water environment in the Midlands
3Survey of the non-agricultural use of pesticdes within the Thames region
4The distribution of nutrients and phytoplankton in the North-East Irish Sea
5Information [on the NRA Anglian Region]
6Environmental snapshot for the Anglian region 2002
7Environmental issues in the Midlands 1995/96
8Humber estuary : state of the environment 1998
9Integrated appraisal of the Environment Agency's water quality policies : role of the FWR manual
10Technical Summary - Appraisal of the Impact of Multiple Retailers Quality Assurance Schemes on the Environment
11Report on the national marine analytical quality control scheme 1993/94 : presented to the 18th October 1994 meeting of the Marine Pollution Monitoring Management Group
12Environmental snapshot for the East of England [version 1]
13Stream survey and assessment in the Ashford and Folkestone areas
14Environmental snapshot for the East of England [2000]
15Environmental protection and pollution control : in the North West
16Environmental snapshot for the East of England (summary report)
17Environmental snapshot for the East of England [1999]
18Protecting the environment through effective Environment Agency regulation and advice
19Development of an Estuarine Classification Scheme for the Water Framework Directive
20The NRA in business : annual review and summary accounts 1993-94
21NRA programme for the monitoring of water quality Parts 1 to 3 - November 1994
22Distribution of Macroinvertebrates in English and Welsh Rivers based on the 1995 Survey
23Environmental Impacts of Alkylphenol Ethoxylates and Carboxylates. Part 1 Proposals for the Development of Environmental Quality Standards
24Creating a greenprint for London : An invitation to work with the Environment Agency towards a first-class environment for a world-class city
25Creating an environmental vision : progressing the Environment Agency's contribution to sustainable development by way of a better environment in England and Wales. Consultation draft June 2000