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151Methods for the prediction of the impact of groundwater abstraction on East Anglian wetlands (WD/95/SR)
152Swords water quality study - phase 1 : modelling the water quality of the River Thames
153Rising groundwater levels in the chalk-basal sands aquifer of the Central London basin
154Rising groundwater levels in the chalk - basal sands aquifer of the central london basins
155Water resources for the future : a summary of the strategy for Thames Region
156Water resources for the future : a summary of the strategy for Thames Region Summary
157SERPLAN development scenarios : the potential impact upon water resources in the SERPLAN region
158Water resources for the future : a summary of the strategy for Wales (bilingual)
159Water resources for the future : a summary of the strategy for North West Region
160Water resources for the future : a summary of the strategy for South West region
161Water for the future in Kent : NRA response to the issues and options report
162The Effect of Atrazine Exposure on the Timing of Salmon (Salmo salar L.) Smolt Emigration
163Further surveys to elucidate the distribution of the fine-lined pea mussel Pisidium tenuilineatum Stelfox, 1918
164The influence of agriculture on the quality of natural waters in England and Wales
165Biological assessment of the effects of Ivybridge Sewage Treatment Works on the River Erme
166The impact of land use on salmonids (Report 30) : a study of the River Torridge catchment
167A Status Report on the Direct Oxygenation of the Tywi Estuary - October 1989
168The application of toxicity-based criteria for the regulatory control of wastewater discharges: a consultation document
169An investigation into the effects of Alton sewage works on the River Wey North
170Investigation into the impact of Henstridge sewage treatment works on the River Umber, North Devon
171The land-use planning system and the Water Framework Directive (can't read barcode)
172Rural sewage pollution in the '90s : report of the rural sewerage project 1993/4
173Responses to 'Outlook for the environment' : a summary of the responses to the Environment Agency's consulation on the priorities for investment by water companies in environmental improvements as part of the Periodic Review
174Report on the national marine analytical quality control scheme 1993/94 : presented to the 18th October 1994 meeting of the Marine Pollution Monitoring Management Group
175Identification of Blue Green Algae of the British Isles Guide to the Genera and Use of the Interactive CD-ROM for Identification of Species