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Title: Aerial view of the River Laboratory
Description: Much of the early research into streams and rivers in the UK was conducted at the FBA River Laboratory in Dorset which opened in the 1960s. This aerial photograph shows the extent of the site, including the laboratories, two houses, the workshops, recirculating channels and the fluvarium together with the Mill stream of the River Frome.
Curator: Freshwater Biological Association
Copyright Holder: Freshwater Biological Association
Publisher: Freshwater Biological Association
Note (original item): Record creation date:2008-08-19 11:48:57
Subject Keywords: Freshwater Biological Association
Geographic Keywords: United Kingdom
Taxonomic Keywords: River laboratory

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This item is published under the licence: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported
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Citation of this item should be as follows:
(2016) Aerial view of the River Laboratory [image] Freshwater Biological Association [publisher] Permalink:

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