- 1966 - The IBP compound when the team first arrived at Lake George in December 1966.
- 1966 IBP Team Training in a boat on Esthwaite Water
- 1966 The IBP team and members of their governing committee, at FBA 1966.
- 1966 the original team approaching Esthwaite Water to practice sampling from a boat
- 1967 - Building the bedroom block in the IBP compound at L. George
- 1967 - George and Gideon cutting mbati for the bedroom block.
- 1967 - George Ganf completing the end wall of the living room with its new roof complete.
- 1967 - IBP Lake George, Uganda - starting to build the bedroom block
- 1967 - Quackers launched onto Lake George.
- 1967 - Quakers arriving on the shore of L.George.
- 1967 - Singh's men building the extension block in the IBP compound.
- 1967 - The bedroom block almost ready for the IBP team to move in.
- A map of the Queen Elizabeth National Park and the area in which the IBP L. George team were situated from late 1966 to 1972.
- An overview of the IBP compound when building was finished (generator located in disused house in front).
- The team (without Tony) and their staff in their compound close to the shore of L. George 1967.