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Title: Evaluation of peroxygens for the amelioration of river pollution : on behalf of the Environment Agency, Thames Region
Author: Martin Whiteland
Document Type: Monograph
The purpose of this study is to assess the use of peroxygens, including hydrogen peroxide, as a possible method of ameliorating river pollution. The assessment is based on a review of published data and operational experience gained through a number of trials carried out by various regions of the Environment Agency and former National Rivers Authority. The use of peroxygens has been assessed, firstly, in the context of their possible use to deal with the effects of pollution incidents in freshwater rivers, and secondly, for the amelioration of the effects of storm sewage discharges to the Tidal Thames. The assessment has considered the potential of peroxygens as a means of increasing river dissolved oxygen levels and has also assessed any relevant logistical, financial, toxicological and Health & Safety implications associated with their use.
Publisher: Environment Agency
Publication Date: 1997
Publication Place: Hemel Hempstead
Subject Keywords: RiversEstuariesWater pollutionPeroxidesPollution control measures
Extent: 55; + plates and appendices
Total file downloads: 322

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