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4601Regulation guidance and direction making powers in the Environment Act 1995 in relation to the Environment Agency
4602Quarterly review : Southern region 1993/94 Apr - Dec 1993
4603A good deal for water : the view of the Environment Agency, the Countryside Council for Wales and English Nature on the priorities for the environment that require action by water companies
4604Herbarium Image: Carex otrubae
4605Sensitive Areas (eutrophic) and "Polluted Waters" (eutrophic). Guidance note on information Gathering for Future Designation Reviews
4606Third annual review of water company water resources plans
4607Agreeing access to water for canoeing
4608Flood defence technical liaison manual : (guidelines for land drainage consenting and planning liaison)
4609Model policies for use in development plans
4610The role of the National Rivers Authority
4611Inter-agency coordination of wetland management - post-consultation report February 1997
4612A fair assessment : funding fisheries improvements and developments through contributions from owners and occupiers : a discussion document
4613Evaluation of the Close Season in Canals
46142020 Vision Series No. 2 PVC and sustainability
46151996/97 : Regional Plan Summaries
4616A 'greener' business world : a framework for change : July 2001
4617A framework for change : theme reports : July 2001
4618A guide to environmental forecasting at the National Centre for Risk Analysis and Options Appraisal
4619A guide to options appraisal
4620A guide to risk analysis at the National Centre for Risk Analysis and Options Appraisal
4621A guide to the National Centre for Risk Analysis and Options Appraisal
4622A strategy for implementing the Environment Agency's contribution to the UK Biodiversity Action Plan
4623Achieving the quality (Bilingual) : Sicrhau Ansawdd (Bilingual)
4624Addressing flood risk in new development
4625An enhanced environment for wildlife : a framework for change : July 2001