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126Newby Beck Control Sub-Catchment Monthly Grab Samples
127Hams Hall Power Station. A survey of the flora and fauna of freshwater habitats in the environs of Hams Hall Power Station, Birmingham
128Herbarium Image: Apium inundatum
129Report on two electrofishing surveys carried out between July 10-25 1978 and July 9-12 1979 on the proposed Kielder Water
130Delegates on The Tern
131Atlantic Salmon Trust Summer Journal 2007
132Herbarium Image: Arabidopsis thaliana
133Herbarium Image: Baldellia ranunculoides
134Herbarium Image: Cardamine flexuosa
135Herbarium Image: Callitriche hamulata
136Herbarium Image: Callitriche hamulata
137Herbarium Image: Carex acutiformis
138Herbarium Image: Carex binervis
139National marine baseline survey 1995 : littoral cell 2 : Flamborough Head to the Wash
140Miles Foulger presentation
141Succession to abstraction licences (extract from licensing manual) : chapter 11
142Herbarium Image: Potamogeton gramineus
143Identification of Blue Green Algae of the British Isles Guide to the Genera and Use of the Interactive CD-ROM for Identification of Species
144Herbarium Image: Potamogeton x nitens
145Fisheries statistics 1994 : salmonid and freshwater fisheries statistics for England and Wales
146Herbarium Image: Carex nigra
147Herbarium Image: Ceratophyllum demersum
148Herbarium Image: Ranunculus peltatus
149Herbarium Image: Hieracium murorum
150Herbarium Image: Doronicum pardalianches