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4351Soil moisture data: AC0213, Devon, 2011
4352Soil moisture data: AC0116, Devon, 2011-2012
4353Daily nitrous oxide flux measurements: AC0116, Devon, 2011-2012
4354Soil moisture data: AC0116, Warwickshire, 2013
4355Soil moisture data: AC0116, County Down, 2011
4356Daily nitrous oxide flux measurements: AC0116, County Down, 2011
4357RSR training - inspection of closed radioactive sources
4358Soil moisture data: AC0116, Dumfries, 2011
4359Programme area review of fisheries R and D (Note 342)
4360Report of a workshop on salmon stock enhancement
4361Soil moisture data: AC0213, Devon, 2010
4362Bathing waters report Wales 2001
4363Focus on Biodiversity Update 2003/4
4364Modelling the Dispersion of Radionuclides Following Short Duration Releases to Rivers
4365Sustainable Recreation on Waterways - Assessing User Activity on Canals and Other Inland Waterways: A Comparison of Three Survey Methods
4366Great Ouse Local Flood Defence Committee annual report 1996-1997
4367Daily N2O: AC0213, Devon, 2010-2011
4368Welsh region : River Arrow, Dreneuydd/Broadway Reen, Dysynni Low Level Drain : annex of R and D Note 456
4369Soil moisture data: NT26, Dumfries, 2004
4370Daily nitrous oxide flux measurements: AC0116, Devon, 2012, urine
4371Recreation and amenity surveys of identified low flow rivers - part 2: maps an photographs report (part 2 of 2)
4372Roger Sweeting providing a commentary on The Tern
4373Daily nitrous oxide flux measurements: AC0116, Ceredigion, 2013, urine
4374Daily nitrous oxide flux measurements: AC0213, Nottinghamshire, 2011-2012
4375Analysis of natural and polluted river communities in Great Britain- Progress report for the period January-December 1987