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4076Regulation of dioxin releases from the Runcorn operations of ICI and EVC
4077Guidance on the application of environmental risk assessment for waste management licensing
4078River Exe Action Plan August 1996
4079Old Bedford consultation report summary
4080North Wessex area industrial and commercial waste minimisation and recycling directory
4081River Stour and Pant/Blackwater : PHABSIM studies : final report AK2417/63/DG/083 Rev 1 April 2001
4082Shoreham Adur tidal walls (West Bank) : consultation document for flood risk management options - March 2006
4083SME-nvironment 2005: UK
4084Review of water company yields. Appendix 2 : results for each water company
4085Drought in the South : in depth
4086Good practice notes for sustainable development : introduction
4087Review of the water abstraction charges scheme : consultation document : summary of responses to the consultation
4088Water resources AMP3 update
4089Sustainable water management, promoting water efficiency : Local Agenda 21 roundtable guidance
4090Water resources for the future : a summary of the strategy for Midlands Region
4091The Agency's conservation duties (SD2)
4092Environment Agency/LGA flood defence technical protocol : August 1998
40931995 Annual Hydrometric Report
4094Valuing the environment (SD14) : report of a seminar held at Church House, Westminster, 7 July 1998
4095Water rights trading
4096Water resources in England and Wales : early prospects for 2004
4097Bristol Avon Local Flood Defence Committee handover document March 2005 : a new beginning
4098Review of commercial environmental information sources
4099Water resources for the future : a summary of the strategy for England and Wales
4100Tide tables for the Anglian Region 1997