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4251Second interim report on the environmental impacts of the drought on Yorkshire's rivers April 1995 to April 1996
4252Grafham Water : biological monitoring re : FeSO4 dosing supplementary report : Nov. 1992-Jan.1993
4253River Tavy alleviation of low flow project : Tavistock/Morwellham Canal : investigation into environmental impacts of proposed flow changes
4254Guide to freshwater fishing in the Northern area of Anglian Region
4255River quality survey NRA Northumbria and Yorkshire region GQA assessment 1994. Part 2 sample point report
4256Proposed water protection zone (River Dee catchment) designation order
4257River Adur : fact files 6
4258Dinobryon Species
4259Use of airborne remote sensing to assist with industrial site monitoring risk assessment and detection of change : final draft
4260Fisheries statistics 1996 : salmonid and freshwater fisheries statistics for England and Wales
4261Managing water resources NRA
4262Mean Trophic Rank: A User's Manual
4263Technical Summary - Quantifying Point Source Inputs of Pesticides to River Catchments
42641996 Hit Lists, Final Draft Annex 1A High Load Hit List
4266River Welland navigation
4267The effects of ammonia in discharges from Hogsmill Valley sewage treatment works on the water quality of the River Thames at Teddington
4268The Identification of Oestrogenic Effects in Wild Fish
4269Ecdyonurus dispar
4270Rhodochorton (Audouinella),
4271Environment Agency Anglian region : Central area business plan 2001/02
4272Guidance on the assessment and interrogation of subsurface analytical contaminant fate and transport models (NC/99/38/1)
4273Technical and economic review of cement and lime process : a report to the Environment Agency
4274Regional water quality monitoring and surveillance programme for 1992 : quality assessment of enclosed waters
4275River Cole fisheries survey 1992