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1226Malodours and discolouration on the Wool Brook Sidmouth
1227An investigation into the water quality of a treated effluent from Hambleton Dairy, Todber, Dorset
1228Schedule of main rivers (Midlands) booklet
1229Economic Evaluation of Inland Fisheries Module A: Economic Evaluation of Fishing Rights
1230Economic Evaluation of Inland Fisheries Module B: Indirect Economic Values Associated with Fisheries
1231Economic evaluation of inland fisheries: The economic impact of freshwater angling in England and Wales
1232The Colne Barrier 1999
1233River water quality in the Midlands 1997
1234River water quality in the Midlands 1998
1235Rhymney catchment management plan : consultation report : January 1996
1236Report of joint foresight seminar : University of Hull Dennison Centre, 5th January 1995
1237Addendum to the Stanmoor bank feasibility study and appraisal report : Lower Tone flood defence improvements : phase II
1238River Glen : river channel assessment : annex A a report of the nature, availability and extent of data and information relating to the River Glen and its catchment
1239Consultation on improving flood defences in Horncastle, Haltham and Kirkby-on-Bain
1240Maidenhead, Windsor and Eton flood alleviation scheme-water quality study : final report
1241Hampshire Avon DTC Deposited fine-grained sediment monitoring data 2010-2013
1242Hampshire Avon DTC Diatom Monitoring Data 2011-2013
1243Eden DTC Invertebrate Data
1244Hampshire Avon DTC Macroinvertebrate Monitoring Data 2010-2013
1245Eden DTC Macrophyte Data
1246Eden DTC Diatom Data
1247Data from laboratory analysis of water samples, Wylye at Brixton Deverill site, Hampshire Avon catchment
1248Data from laboratory analysis for Ebble downstream site, Hampshire Avon catchment
1249Data from laboratory analysis of water samples, Caudworthy Water at Caudworthy Ford, Tamar catchment
1250Data from laboratory analysis at Ebble upstream site, Hampshire Avon catchment