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1276Visits to Cley-next-to-the-sea and Salthouse sea defences, King's Lynn sewage treatment works
1277A study to investigate and propose remedies for river quality problems in the Madford catchment
1278Thames 21 - a planning perspective and a sustainable strategy for the Thames Region : September 1995
1279Protocol on "managing waste": memorandum of understanding between Local Government Association and the Environment Agency
1280A report into the impact of small dam construction at Delford bridge, De Lank river
1281Guidance on the assessment and interrogation of subsurface analytical contaminant fate and transport models (NC/99/38/1)
1282Valuing the environment (SD14) : report of a seminar held at Church House, Westminster, 7 July 1998
1283Review of flood defence practices on the Somerset Levels and Moors : document 3 : maps and figures
12841966 The IBP team and members of their governing committee, at FBA 1966.
12851966 the original team approaching Esthwaite Water to practice sampling from a boat
1286Electron Microscope Image: Filament of Oscillatoria being ingested by the ciliate Nassula tumida
1287An audit of performance in the analysis of biological samples in 1998. Environment Agency : primary audit
1288Managing chemicals for a better environment : an introduction to the Environment Agency's strategy
1289The Wandle, Beverley Brook, Hogsmill catchment management plan : consultation report summary : November 1994
1290Greatham Creek tidal defences inter regional review : prepared for the purposes of legal proceedings
1291Review of environmental audits prepared by county councils in the North East area
1292The consideration of social issues in environmental impact assessments of Agency flood defence schemes
1293Land drainage consent report : investigation of the conservation input into land drainage consents
1294Studies of the Environmental Impact of Radioactive Discharge on Non-Human Species - Technical Summary
1295Proceedings of the conference National Minewaters 20th -21st April 1998 Tapton Hall Sheffield University
1296A review of the hydrogeological information for the Thompson and Merton areas, Norfolk : including predictions of the impact of nearby chalk water abstractions on water levels at Thompson Water, Carr and Common SSSI and candidate SAC
1297Notice to water only companies of programme of environmental obligations agreed by the Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions and for Wales : periodic review of water company price limits 2000-2005
1298Correspondence Relating to the Seismic Surveys of Lake District Water Bodies undertaken by Prof. Gerald Sargent in 1983 and 1987
1299The Effect of N Fertiliser forms on nitrous oxide emissions from UK arable and grassland. Defra project number NT2605
1300The Effect of N Fertiliser forms on N2O emissions from UK arable and grassland. Experimental site in Norfolk, 2004