351 | The Paris commission 1995 survey : report for England and Wales by the Environment Agency |
352 | Project record for the review and statistical analysis of the baseline coastal waters survey |
353 | Investigation Of The Criteria For, And Guidance On, The Landspreading Of Industrial Wastes (Cwm 174/98) |
354 | Integrated appraisal of the Environment Agency's water quality policies : role of the FWR manual |
355 | Links : an overview of the work of the Environment Agency in Devon : autumn/winter 2003 |
356 | Guiding principles for the design and implementation of risk rating systems in the Environment Agency |
357 | Investigation into the chemicals present and entering the Stover Lake, Stover Country Park |
358 | The variation of hydraulic conductivity with depth in the object-orientated groundwater model ZOOMQ3D |
359 | Catches of Migratory Fish in the River Don, Aberdeenshire- Consideration of the Availability of Fish |
360 | The quality of rivers, canals and estuaries in England and Wales : report of the 1990 survey |
361 | 1999 annual report on fisheries in the North west incorporating the annual summary of fishery statistics |
362 | Investigation into inputs in the Erme estuary and their effects on the bathing waters at Mothecombe |
363 | Tidal waters strategic review : the status of tidal water operational activity within the Environment Agency |
364 | A demonstration of the use of a framework for the ecological risk assessment of land contamination |
365 | Fracturing and the Hydrogeology of the Permo- Triassic Sandstones in England and Wales |
366 | The Effect of Atrazine Exposure on the Timing of Salmon (Salmo salar L.) Smolt Emigration |
367 | The producer responsibility obligations (packaging waste) regulations 1997 : the agencies' interpretation of 'packaging' |
368 | The water protection zone (River Dee catchment) designation order : supplementary paper in support of the application |
369 | Water resources for the future : a summary of the strategy for Anglian Region |
370 | The influence of zinc sulphate solution on the fauna of chalk stream channels
371 | A review of the performance of Aldershot STW and its effect on the River Blackwater |
372 | Guidance on the Agency's involvement in the administration of EC structural funds (SD10) |
373 | Rising groundwater levels in the chalk-basal sands aquifer of the Central London basin : April 2000 |
374 | Exploration of the reasonable needs for new licences brought about by the Water Act 2003 |
375 | The Distribution Of Phytoplankton And Nutrients In The North East Irish Sea During 1996; |