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501Land drainage byelaws 1981 and the Thames region flood defence byelaws 1991
502River quality in England and Wales : a report of the 1990 survey
503Snapshots of the environment : understanding coastal water quality
504The evaluation of EDT QSE 334 ammonium ion selective electrode (220/17/T)
505The evaluation of ingold ion selective ammonium electrode (220/23/T)
506Rivers of the Isle of Wight fact file
507Stratification in the Severn Estuary- Physical aspects and biological consequences
508The Mersey estuary : a report on environmental quality
509'Sea Vigil' water quality monitoring : the East coast 1992-1993
510The 1990 river and estuary classification survey of England and Wales
511The evaluation of an orion ammonium ion selective electrode (220/15/T)
512An Independent Review of the Defra/EA Research and Development Joint
513Anthropogenic Impacts on the Hydrology of Rivers and Lochs
514Dissemination of the Revitalised FEH Rainfall-runoff Method
515General guide to the prevention of water pollution
516Guidance on the use of Soil Screening Values for Ecological Risk Assessment
517Highway runoff: Effects of soluble pollutants on the ecology of receiving waters
518Life cycle assessment of disposable and reusable nappies in the UK
519Managing the social aspects of flooding: Synthesis Report
520National guidelines for the production of NRA regions 1990/91 regional plans
521Operational mechanisms for the protection and enhancement of headwaters
522Policy and practice for the protection of groundwater : regional appendix Welsh region
523Procurement legislation and the NRA : a brief guide
524Strategic review of development and flood risk : the River Welland catchment
525Strategic review of development and flood risk : the River Witham catchment