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1251Effectiveness of eutrophication control by phosphorus reduction: development of the INCA-P model
1252An investigation of the Madford River pollution incident of 29 July 1989 : November 1989
1253Devon area internal report - measurement of dissolved oxygen levels in the Dart estuary - March 1996
1254The evaluation of a pHOX model 962 hand-held dissolved oxygen meter (220/28/T)
1255The evaluation of a WTW model OXI 196 hand-held dissolved oxygen meter (220/29/T)
1256The evaluation of a YSI model 58 hand-held dissolved oxygen meter (220/24/T)
1257The evaluation of an ABB Kent-Taylor model 7135 hand-held dissolved oxygen meter (220/30/T)
1258An evaluation of discharge and consent compliance policy : a blueprint for the future
1259An evaluation of discharge and consent compliance policy : a blueprint for the future : letters from respondents
1260Monitoring the effects of a combined sewer overflow discharge to a small watercourse in South Wales
1261Time of travel study on the River Wandle under two different flow conditions
1262The Natural (Baseline) Quality of Groundwaters in England and Wales - Magnesium Limestone of Yorkshire and Northumbria
1263Biological river quality 1995 according to the general quality (GQA) scheme [map] : scale 1 : 750 000
1264Analysis of bacteriological contamination and accumulation of metals and organics in the mussel (Mytilus edulis)
1265Desktop study of methods for the monitoring of particulate emissions from positively pressurised baghouses
1266Lower Lee fish mortalities associated with rainfall : including the event of 7/8th September 1993
1267Integrated river corridor assessment : a pilot study of the rivers Wansbeck and North Tyne in Northumbria
1268River Teign corridor survey : prepared by Ecologue for the National Rivers Authority (South West Region)
1269Water pollution incidents in England and Wales - 1993 : report of the National Rivers Authority
1270Scope for growth and levels of contaminants in mussels from the Wash. Phase 2
1271River Stort : draft catchment management plan for flood defence and the environment : May 1991
1272Catchment management plans : protecting and enhancing the water environment in an integrated manner
1273YSI, turbidity and stage data for the Wensum Demonstration Test Catchment's monitoring kiosk B in 2012
1274YSI, turbidity and stage data for the Wensum Demonstration Test Catchment's monitoring kiosk C in 2011
1275YSI, turbidity and stage data for the Wensum Demonstration Test Catchment's monitoring kiosk B in 2013