26 | Radioactive Substances Act 1993 : response to comments on the Scope and methodology for the full re-examination of the Sellafield authorisations for the disposal of radioactive waste |
27 | Surveying and tracking salmon in the sea |
28 | Pollution control on the River Alt |
29 | The introduction of an effective market testing programme for the flood defence function of the National Rivers Authority in the North West Region : certificate in management |
30 | Safeguarding the lower bristol avon - public consultation |
31 | Beneath the town : safeguarding Bodmin from flooding |
32 | Canoeist guide to the River Severn |
33 | Investigation to determine if the soakaway from the Stowford Farm caravan site is having an impact on the biological community of the Colam stream |
34 | What's happening in the North East |
35 | The Nidd and Wharfe catchment (river factfiles) |
36 | Bacterial quality of the bathing waters at Seaton, Cornwall, and of the River Seaton |
37 | 1999 annual report on fisheries in the North west incorporating the annual summary of fishery statistics |
38 | Water resources for the future : a summary of the strategy for North East Region |
39 | The Ribble fisheries management plan : a consultation document produced by the National Rivers Authority |
40 | An investigation into the water quality of the River Waldon during wet weather |
41 | 1994 annual report on fisheries in the North West incorporating the annual summary of fishery statistics |
42 | Water resources for the future : a summary of the strategy for Thames Region |
43 | Water resources for the future : a summary of the strategy for North West Region |
44 | The impact of industrial discharges on metal levels in biota of the West Cumbrian coast - 1990 |
45 | Investigation into the impact of Henstridge sewage treatment works on the River Umber, North Devon |
46 | A report on the 1992 strategic stock assessment survey of the upper Dewent catchment and the River Marron with particular reference to salmonids |
47 | Response to questions posed by Northumbrian Water Authority, with special reference to the fisheries implications of the operation of the Kielder Water Scheme
48 | Preliminary assessment of the ability of Restormel fish counter to enumerate the passage of migratory salmonids on the River Fowey : Cornwall Area Fisheries Science Team |
49 | Water conservation planning in the USA : meeting organised by the Environment Agency and CIWEM, 14th June 1996, CBI |
50 | Enhancement of spring salmon- Proceedings of a one-day conference held in the Rooms of the Linnean Society of London |