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276Investigation into the 1999 failure of the European Community bathing waters directive at Beer beach (2001)
277Getting afloat in the Midlands : a guide to using waterways in the region
278Review of the water abstraction charges scheme : consultation document : summary of responses to the consultation
279Water resources for the future : a summary of the strategy for England and Wales
280The Natural (Baseline) Quality Of Groundwaters In England And Wales - The Chalk Of Lincolnshire;
281The Ecology and Conservation of the Southern Damselfly (Coenagrion mercuriale - Charpentier) in Britain
282Fish and the Ecological Assessment of Lakes and Rivers for the Water Framework Directive
283Assessment of the Trophic Status of Rivers using Macrophytes - Evaluation of the Mean Trophic Rank
284Technical Summary - Appraisal of the Impact of Multiple Retailers Quality Assurance Schemes on the Environment
285The Distribution Of Phytoplankton And Nutrients In The North East Irish Sea During 1997;
286Proposals to extend the Environment Agency's monitoring certification scheme (MCERTS) to the chemical testing of soils
287The Hydrogeological Classification of Superficial Clay: The Hydrogeological Characterisation of Glacial Till in east Anglia
288Ecological effects of discharges from watercress farms on the chalk-streams of the NRA Wessex Region
289Evaluation of the effectiveness of the Water Fringe Option Scheme on Environmental Quality
290Riverside litter : results of the 1990 campaign and a strategy for the future
291The potential for the use of Willow in buffer zones for reducing nitrate and atrazine pollution
292Methods for the prediction of the impact of groundwater abstraction on East Anglian wetlands (WD/95/SR)
293Swords water quality study - phase 1 : modelling the water quality of the River Thames
294The Nuclear Energy Agency Database of Features, Events and Processes. Application by the Environment Agency
295National marine baseline survey 1995 : littoral cell 3 : the Wash to the Thames
296Rising groundwater levels in the chalk - basal sands aquifer of the central london basins
297Ponds in Partnership Phase 1 Final Report: Establishing the Framework for the National Pond Monitoring Network
298Towards the sustainable use of material resources : an evaluation using the natural step framework
299Water resources for the future : a summary of the strategy for Wales (bilingual)
300Water resources for the future : a summary of the strategy for North West Region