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1Environment Agency Southern region : Christmas floods 1999 volume one : performance review
2Autumn 2000 floods review regional report : Anglian region
3Autumn 2000 floods review regional report : Midlands region
4Autumn 2000 floods review regional report : North West Region
5Environment Agency Southern region : May floods 2000 performance review
6The Evaluation of FDMM
7Committed to the environment : a report from the committees of the Environment Agency's Southern Region for the year 1999/00
8Survey of the non-agricultural use of pesticdes within the Thames region
9Engineering the environment : profile of the Anglian Engineering Department
10Chew Magna : reducing the risk of flooding
11Environmental snapshot for the Anglian region 2002
12Environmental issues in the Midlands 1995/96
13The Recreational Use of Floodbanks Phase 1
14Beneath the town : safeguarding Bodmin from flooding
15Environmental snapshot for the East of England [version 1]
16NRA strategy for reducing the concentration of pesticides in controlled waters
17An update on the Hexham flood alleviation scheme, Autumn 2006
18Environmental snapshot for the East of England [2000]
19Environmental protection and pollution control : in the North West
20Improving the environment in Midlands region : Midlands local contribution 2006/11
21Integrated pollution control and radioactive substances in the Anglian Region
22Assessing and controlling the ecotoxicity of complex effluents
23The NRA in business : annual review and summary accounts 1993-94
24Controlling the inputs of persistent chemical to marine waters from land-based sources
25Creating a greenprint for London : An invitation to work with the Environment Agency towards a first-class environment for a world-class city