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301Achieving the quality (Bilingual) : Sicrhau Ansawdd (Bilingual)
302Factors affecting the dispersal of coarse fish
303Sustainability examples from the USA and Canada
304Site supervision of the Beach Nourishment Scheme
305Changes to the water abstraction licensing system
306The Tame catchment (NRA Severn-Trent 67)
307Fishery survey of the Horner Water catchment
308Fishery survey of the River Yeo catchment
309Fishery survey of the Congresbury Yeo, 1994
310Fishery survey of the River Isle catchment
311Determining The Freshwater Flow Needs Of Estuaries
312The Trophic Diatom Index: A User's Manual;
313River water quality in the Midlands 1997
314River water quality in the Midlands 1998
315Shoreline management plans in the Anglian region
316The future of shoreline management : conference papers
317Duties and powers of the Environment Agency
318Hydropower developments and the National Rivers Authority
319Biological investigation of the Common Lake Stream
320Devon area internal report - the kingsbridge estuary - survey of the benthic microinvertebrate infauna (october 1990) for the proposed classification of estuaries in the south western region
321The Ecology of Four Scarce Wetland Molluscs
322Recreational waterway byelaws in the Anglian region
323Endocrine Disruption in the Marine Environment
324A brief guide to the medway
325A brief guide to the thames