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176A user's guide to the River Thames
177The River Thame : catchment review : march 1996
178Biological investigation of the Common Lake Stream
179Monitoring the trophic state of reservoirs
180Evaluation of the Close Season in Canals
181Flood defences : the Lower Witham strategy
182About the North West region : factfile
183Drought in the South : in depth
184Duties and powers of the Environment Agency
185Evaluating The Benefits Of Hydrometric Networks
186Freshwater Algal Flora of the British Isles
187Guardians of the water environment (bilingual document)
188On duty round the clock : fact file
189Pesticides in the aquatic environment 1996
190The Restoration of Vegetation on Saltmarshes
191The river Aire conservation within the catchment : a summary of survey methods and information held on the wildlife of the river Aire catchment
192The Environment Agency navigations : Thames, Anglian, Southern
193The National Rivers Authority : fact file
194Achieving the quality (Bilingual) : Sicrhau Ansawdd (Bilingual)
195A Review of the Application of
196Snapshots of the environment : regulating major industry
197Fishery survey of the River Axe catchment
198The introduction of an effective market testing programme for the flood defence function of the National Rivers Authority in the North West Region : certificate in management
199Review of the microtox toxicity test
200MCERTS : the Environment Agency's monitoring certification scheme