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1101Development of the Acid Water Indicator Community (AWIC) Macroinvertebrate Family and Species Level
1102The application and validation of in situ ecotoxicological assays at biologically and chemically incongruous sites (379/2/T)
1103A report on a baseline survey of the subtidal benthic communities within Portland Harbour (January 1997)
1104Linking hydrology and ecology : River Wissey : Annex B aquatic macrophytes of the River Wissey
1105Policy and practice for the protection of groundwater : regional appendix South West region
1106The available resource methodology : a framework for assessing water resources and abstraction availability : final report
1107An environmental assessment of mercury in mussels (Mytilus edulis L.) in the Mersey Estuary : final report
1108The Impact Of Discarded Fishing Line And Tackle On Mute Swans - Phase 1
1109A review of the industrial uses of continuous monitoring systems : minerals industry processes
1110Herbicides for use in or near the aquatic environment: Priorities for Environmental Quality Standards Development
1111Manual for the use of herbicides in or near water : April 1993 : final draft report
1112Direct toxicity assessment : a step towards better environmental protection within the UK : business strategy
1113Pesticides 2000 : a summary of monitoring of the aquatic environment in England and Wales
1114Analysis of airborne platform specifications and operations for the National Rivers Authority by Atlantique Reconnaissance Ltd
1115Effectiveness of eutrophication control by phosphorus reduction: development of the INCA-P model
1116An evaluation of discharge and consent compliance policy : a blueprint for the future
1117An evaluation of discharge and consent compliance policy : a blueprint for the future : letters from respondents
1118Definition of terms used in the assessment information management system (AIMS) : guidance note 5
1119The Natural (Baseline) Quality of Groundwaters in England and Wales - Magnesium Limestone of Yorkshire and Northumbria
1120Biological river quality 1995 according to the general quality (GQA) scheme [map] : scale 1 : 750 000
1121Analysis of bacteriological contamination and accumulation of metals and organics in the mussel (Mytilus edulis)
1122Desktop study of methods for the monitoring of particulate emissions from positively pressurised baghouses
1123Lower Lee fish mortalities associated with rainfall : including the event of 7/8th September 1993
1124Integrated river corridor assessment : a pilot study of the rivers Wansbeck and North Tyne in Northumbria
1125River Teign corridor survey : prepared by Ecologue for the National Rivers Authority (South West Region)