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101The interpretation of rod and net catch data
102Problems with sea trout and salmon in the Western Highlands
103The National Centre for Environmental Data and Surveillance : general leaflet
104Project management and the scheme of delegation : a summary guide : April 1995
105'Sea Vigil' water quality monitoring : the East coast 1992-1993
106Guidance for the Development of Housing on Land Affected by Contamination
107Model For Investigating The Impacts Of Groundwater Abstraction
108Strategic review of development and flood risk : the River Welland catchment
109Strategic review of development and flood risk : the River Witham catchment
110Suffolk estuarine strategies : Deben estuary strategy : introduction to the strategy
111The Environment Agency's risk portfolio. Version 3.0 Final Report
112Suffolk estuarine strategies : Alde and Ore estuary strategy : introduction to the strategy
113Waste : strategic waste management survey : landfill within the East Midlands planning region
114Snapshots of the environment : managing our freshwater fisheries
115'Sea Vigil' water quality monitoring : the Wash 1992-1993
116The flood of February 1990 : technical services flood monitoring report
117Sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) : an evaluation using the Natural Step framework
118Uses of the water environment: factsheet number six
119Environmental snapshot for the East of England [2000]
120Biodiversity strategy and action plan for the Environment Agency (Thames Region)
121Clinical waste management in the community : a guide to managing waste
122Data mining of calculations for the control of emissions of organic compounds
123Environmental protection and pollution control : in the North West
124Buckingham flood defence improvements : presentation of the preferred option
125Improving the environment in Midlands region : Midlands local contribution 2006/11