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201Environment Agency Kent area : the Seabrook stream : BSc (Hons) Environmental biology placement report
202The disposal of sheep dip waste (R and D Report 11) : effects on water quality
203The Warwickshire Avon catchment management plan : consultation report summary (NRA Severn-Trent 44)
204Assessment of radioactive discharge screening levels for biota protected under the habitats regulations : April 2002
205Herbicides for use in or near the aquatic environment: Priorities for Environmental Quality Standards Development
206A study to investigate and propose remedies for river quality problems in the Madford catchment
207Guidance on the assessment and interrogation of subsurface analytical contaminant fate and transport models (NC/99/38/1)
208A review of the industrial uses of continuous monitoring systems : minerals industry processes
209An investigation of the Madford River pollution incident of 29 July 1989 : November 1989
210Monitoring the effects of a combined sewer overflow discharge to a small watercourse in South Wales
211Pesticides 2000 : a summary of monitoring of the aquatic environment in England and Wales
212National marine baseline survey 1995 : littoral cell 4 : the Thames to Selsey Bill
213Heavy metal contaminants in fish caught from the Mersey Estuary and inshore Liverpool Bay
214Groundwater pollution : evaluation of the extent and character of groundwater pollution from point sources in England and Wales
215Analysis of natural and polluted river communities in Great Britain- Progress report for the period April 1984- March 1988
216The development of macroinvertebrate keys using TWINSPAN classification : a manual for NRA biologists (001/10/W) : draft final report
217The use of constructed wetlands to ameliorate metal-rich mine waters. Stage 1 : study of natural wetlands
218A review of the industrial uses of continuous monitoring systems : incineration processes : a report produced for NCCA and ETSU by Entec
219The Blythe/Cole/Bourne catchment management plan : first annual review : July 1994 to July 1995 (NRA Severn-Trent 48)
220Eutrophication in controlled waters in the Warwickshire Avon catchment (final report). Vol 1 : report and executive summary
221Foot and Mouth Disease Epidemic. Disposal of culled stock by burial : guidance and reference data for the protection of controlled waters
222Analysis of natural and polluted river communities in Great Britain- Progress report for the period January-December 1987
223Torridge data report : biological monitoring of organic inputs to the study catchments using rapid biological assessment keys
224Groundwater vulnerability of England and Wales : policy and practice for the protection of groundwater : Scale : 1 : 1 000 000
225Proposed decision for the future regulation of disposals of radioactive waste from British Nuclear fuels plc Sellafield : supporting information